Cursors by dorischu
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.Tuesday, February 26, 2008 ' 7:31 PM Y

The lyrics of pearl jam's jeremy speak put in many differrnt ways.I think i hjave figured out why the lyrics are so shocking: the have a great rhetorical stratagy.The speaker is the lead singer of pearl jam who once picked on jeremy in school.You can infer this when he says "...clearly i remember picking on the boy.."throughout the song the speaker uses a reflective and remorseful tone. i beleive the speaker is talking to someone who didnt't know what happened to jeremy because he goes into detail of jeremy's home life in order to get the audience to feel what jeremy went through.To sum up the song it is an exterme appeal to the emotions.

.Sunday, February 17, 2008 ' 4:31 PM Y

I definitly think i have many strenghts and weaknesses when it comes to writing. I think a mjor weakness of mine is that i'm very disorganized.So, once i have all these great ideas that i have already thought up,i can't find a way to organize them to make them make sense.Also i really don't know how to elaborate on those ideas once i've written them down.A big strength of mine is that i can spell. It may seem silly but i know a lot of people my age who have a really hard time spelling some simple words. Most of the time when someone tells me what i have to write about i have egreat ideas and arguments but when i have to think of something to write about on my own i can't think of anything. I think another strength i have is that when i don't really understand something that i am told to write about i take the intiative to reasearch it and try to understand or i ask my teacher or a classmate for help.Sometimes i don't use very good grammer but sometimes it hard to.

.Thursday, February 7, 2008 ' 10:03 AM Y

It is not always easy to tell if someone is intelligent. Someone who does not look or sound like they possess intelligent may be. It all depends on what your definiton of intelligence is.Sometimes you have to really get to know that person to be able to tell if someone is intellegent or not. If you look at the desicions that person makes you may be able to better establish an opinion about a particular persons intelliegence. If he/she is making sound descisions this peson is displaying some parts of intelligence. I also believe in order to be intelligent you have to be logical.You have to know the difference between what is fantasy and what is reality.In addition i beleive a form of intelligence is being able to sustain life. If your alive and you can breathe and eat you are intelliegent.Another way to tell if someone is intelligent or not is how wise they are. Are they able to realize when they have made a mistake? Do they actually look back and learn from their mistakes? Have they gone through a lot and learned from hard expieriences?

. ' 9:56 AM Y

What is the difference between knowledge, truth, and belief? Knowledge is knowing something o be true from your enviorment or expierience. However not everything you know is true. Belief is trusting something to be true after you have looked at the evidence.Although not everything we believe is true either. But we do have to know something to believe it.Truth what is legitamate. We do'nt know everything that is true and we do not always believe what is true. In all of these u have to have some type of trust in what is being said.

.Thursday, January 31, 2008 ' 7:06 AM Y

The character “V” in the movie “V For Vendetta” is a menace to the government. However, to the free people of London , he is a hero. In his speech to the people of London he shows of his sides.

“V” starts off his speech to the people of London by laying down a foundation of ethos. He wants to relate to all the people who enjoy the tranquility and peace of the city of London. He begins to evaluate commemoration. He says that we only celebrate specific days because some one dies. His tone quickly swiches from sympathetic to unsympathetic.

“V goes on to appeal to the citizens emotions by telling them that there are certain people who do not want them to speak up for themselves or against their government. He provides evidence of this by saying that men with guns are probably coming to stop him from giving his speech.

“V” also tries to make the citizen of London realize that their privacy , the thing they cherish the most is being taken away from them. He supports this claim by saying that there are now censors and surveillance systems. “V” tells his audience that if they are looking for someone to blame for what is happening, they need to blame themselves.

“V” also evaluates the high chancellor of the city. He reminds the people of London that the chancellor has promised them everything the could possibly imagine and ask them for their loyal silence in return. And he has yet to deliver anything that he has promised.

The speaker “v” wants to end the people of London’s silence, so he tells them that he blew up the central court building in London called Old Bailey. He starts to give them facts about a citizen who tried to make the fifth of November memorable over 400 years back. He closes the door with pathos by saying if the citzens relate to him they should help make the 5Th of November a day that will never be forgotten.

.Wednesday, January 16, 2008 ' 6:31 AM Y

My name is Sara Duck.I'm 16 years old and i was born on April ,30 1991.
My Mother's name is Patsy. My father's name is James.I also have two older brothers, Ryan and Jamie. My parents divorced when i was six. We all took it hard. As soon as my dad left my brothers , my mom and i moved into a smaller house.My mom was a teacher so sometimes money wasn't always abundant but we made it through.Now my mother and i live in my grandmother's house since she is now too fraile to live on her own.My brothers are grown up and moved out.I miss them a lot sometimes.For the most part i'm pretty busy.If im not at school or working , i'm either hanging out with my friends , or spending time with my family.Right now im working at a tanning/hair salon called Quality Hair Care and Tan 2000.I love it because the atmosphere there is pretty awesome.Although we work with all women so sometimes we butt heads. But we all love each other.I'm still in high school and i will be graduating next year.I'm not positive what career i want but i do think i will go into the health science field.Right now there is no special guy in my life just my guy friends.But when one comes along I'll let you know.As far as my personality goes im extremely outgoing and i love to have fun, no matter what it takes. I love to laugh even though my laugh is horribly loud.Basically i am extremely loyal, if were friends i will do anything i possibly can to help you.Thats pretty much all i have to say about me.





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